Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Father's Anguish

Sometimes a story just steals your heart. "Search for Lost Son behind Cartoonist's Anguished Drawings" by Pauline Arrillaga of the Associated Press did just that to me. Maybe it's because I have three sons of my own, but once I started reading this story I couldn't put it down. I was rewarded with an ending that is just as powerful as its beginning. Here is one passage:

He might pull out another sketch, crinkled and watermarked after being lugged around in his pickup truck. It showed a man's face, masked by a thick beard and shoulder-length, shaggy hair. Shadows wreathed the eyes, which stared, hardened and defeated, at nothing.
Under the image, in block letters, was one word: "JIMMY."

The writing in this story is smooth, but it's deep reporting that makes the vivid details possible. Thanks to Brian Summers for sharing this with me.


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