Friday, September 23, 2005

Here We Go Again

As Rita gets ready to batter the Gulf Coast, we are once again seeing stunning coverage from the local media, whose reporters are risking their lives and saying goodbye to their families in order to bring us the story. I'm also impressed with how the local media are finding ways to let average citizens contribute their own reports of the storm. The links below are to the coverage being provided by the Houston Chronicle and local network affiliates.
Houston Chronicle:
ABC affiliate:
NBC affiliate:
CBS affiliate:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Marshall,

I just posted your Web site, along with the SPJ Leads Web site's recommendation for it, to the Journalism Education Association's listserve (750+ members). They will eat it up, I'm sure.

Nov. 10-13 is JEA's Spring convention, at the Hyatt Regency, in Chicago — upwards of 3,300 students and 600 high school newspaper and yearbook advisers. Come, please. You can find out all about it at And/or call Susan Hathaway Tantillo, the local convention chair, a good friend of mine (815-385-5773,, and ask her about attending. Please let me know if you're interested.

Thanks for your great Web site.

Bob Greenman

9:40 PM  

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